Sunday, March 22, 2009

Desert Training Center California June 25, 1943

June 25, 1943

Dear Mother,

It won't be long now until we start going on the ranges and shooting a little. The remainder of the Battalion arrived the other day, so we can get down to business now. When we get maps of the area we will take vehicles down to the river for a wash job. Of course we can't get our clothes wet so you know how it is. The water really feels good on a hot afternoon.

You know if your not careful that apartments is going to be fully furnished before you realize it. If that stuff ever comes from Pittsburgh you will be in pretty fair shape.

The mountains right around here close aren't high enough to sport snow. They say California has mountains with snow but they are probably in the northern part of the state.

The Needles that is near the camp here is in California right across the river from Arizona. It's also the largest town close to the camp and it's about twenty miles away. Las Vegas, Nevada is around a hundred miles north. It's a fair sized town and wide open.

You should see some of the fellows around here. They sat out in the sun too long with out any shirts on. Now they're sleeping on their stomachs. One fellow kept asking if his back was getting red and the answer was always no so he stayed a little longer. Finally he went in and about two hours later his back turned as red as a beet. I know what that sun will do to me so I don't go out without a shirt on except late in the evening.

Thank you very much for the ten. It sure came in handy. If a person gets a pass around here and hasn't any money he's just out of luck that's all. They tell you when to go on pass and it isn't often enough to pass up the opportunity.

Closing for now. Be good.


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