Thursday, March 25, 2010

Telegram - Nov 24, 1945

1945 NOV 24 PM 12 12



Wednesday, March 24, 2010

I'm In France - Oct 26, 1945

Oct 26, 1945

Dear Mother,

I’m back in France once more. For a much shorter stay this time I hope.
I’m in the One Ninety Third field artillery battalion being processed at Camp Baltimore. The camp is about thirty miles from Reims.
We are living in tents and just about freezing every night. One thing we are thankful for is the fairly dry weather we have been having here. - So far -
We hope to move out of here next week for Marseilles. We will be there about two weeks and then a boat ride once more. From that port it takes a little longer crossing, so if nothing happens we should sight land about the first week in December.
I am having all mail sent home so it won’t do much good for anyone to write. All mail gets stopped at the A.P.O. and sent back.
You hold the home fort down and keep your fingers crossed - if nothing happens I’ll be home for Christmas.
Till then I’ll send my Love

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Brrrr - Sept 30, 1945

Sept 30, 1945

Dear Mother,

Brrrr, I think it's going to snow. It's been raining now for over a week. This morning it stopped raining and turned cold, and we're just close enough to the Alps for it to start snowing about this time of year.
I received the pictures of your camping trip to the place. They are very good. Maybe I can help take the next ones - yes.

Oct 1945

That was very rude of them. Taking me away from my letter writing just to pull guard duty for a few hours.
Did I tell you about my present home? We are living in houses that were originally divided into four apartments. Each apartment having four rooms and a bath. Three of us live in this room where I sleep. We have some prisoners who clean up our room every morning, wash and iron our clothes, and if it's cold they build us a fire. If it wasn't for guard duty this would be pretty nice around here.
I'll have to say good-bye now and pleasant dreams to you. Here's an extra large bundle of Love for all of you

Friday, March 19, 2010

Guard Duty at Dachau - Sept 23, 1945

Sept. 23, 1945

Dear Mother & Dad,

It's been a few days sense my last letter, so now I'll tell you the whole sad story. Ten days ago I was transferred out of the Seventy-first Division. Supposedly to go home, but someone sent us to the wrong outfit. We got into an outfit peddling prison guards at the Dachau concentration camp. Instead of being on our way home we sit here and watch these SS troops. The officers claim we will be relieved just as soon as another outfit can be found to take our place. As yet none are available.
I expect to leave Dachau between the first and the fifteenth of next month. After that I'll be jumping around from place to place. So I'm going to ask you to stop writing until you hear from me again. Maybe by then I'll have some definite news.
I figure I've got good reason for being mad about this mix up on going home. Every day I talk to men going through here on their way home. They have sixty and seventy points. Here I sit pulling guard everyday. Of course I only have eighty-five points as of V-J days - so maybe I'm being unreasonable.
I guess that's enough crying for now -
Here's loads of Love

Monday, March 15, 2010

Went to a Show - Sept 11, 1945

Sept 11, 1945

Dear Mother,

Just a short note to assure you that I am still thinking of you and home.
By the by; how is everyone on this crisp September morn? I hope everyone feels as good as I do today.
How are Dad's salesmen progressing? Has he found a one for Peoria yet? Two more questions and you will think this is a quiz program.
I went to a show sponsored by the Red Cross the other night. It was put on by a group of DP's from the Baltic states. They sang some of their native songs also a few American songs they have learnt lately. They danced a couple of their dances. They were so much like our square dances that I had the urge to get out there with them. All together it made a nice little show, and was enjoyed by everyone.
Well you are probably busy today so send some more of this love I am saving up - and don't forget - if you can't be good be careful.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Hectic Week end - Sept 9, 1945

Sept. 9, 1945

Dear Mother,

This has been a hectic week end. I don't know if it's possible or not but I'll try to make my hand and eyes track together long enough to beat out this letter.
Friday night the company had a small party - with cognac, rum, wine, and beer. It shouldn't have been bad but they didn't have enough of any one to last out the night. So during the course of events a little of each was consumed. Boy oh boy! What that does to your head the next morning.
I received your letter of the third this morning. From the sounds of things the advertising business should be good for a while next year. It would be nice if Dad gets some good salesmen trained so he can help us get started producing again.
Things have been happening around Springfield, haven't they? It seems funny Junior with a baby. I wonder which one it will look like.
Too bad about Clifford, but maybe he will think twice before hoping trucks in the near future.
You know it's hard to think of Millie and Roy out of the restaurant business. I wonder will they stay out or is it just wishful thinking. I wish them a lot of luck and hope they can stay out longer than they did before.
Darn but time flies - sometimes. At any rate the rattle of mess kits says it's chow time. We have ice cream and cake today so I can't afford to be late.
So I'll say Good-bye with loads of Love.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Points, age and discharges - Sept 4, 1945

Sept 4, 1945

Dear Mother,

You should hear everyone talking about points, age and discharges in general. - Don't tell anyone but I think, now mind you just think and hope that I will be in the States by Christmas.
Don't go making any rash plans but it doesn't hurt to hope does it?
I thought I would have a nice quiet morning here to write this letter, but someone else thinks differently. They just brought in twenty pair of binoculars to be repaired. That's the way it goes - for a week we sit around and loaf and then bingo! they drop everything in our laps at once.
What is Dad doing - Taking charge of a group of men covering a large section? It sounds like they are pleased with his work in that case - Good for him and lots of luck.
Well I've got to dive into that work or I might lose my job (oh yeah)
So here is a river of Love flowing your way.

Here are some pictures we took in our walks by the river in Augsburg.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Went To USO Show - Aug 30, 1945

Aug. 30, 1945

Dear Mother,

Well blow me down! Here it is another sunny day. It looked for a while like rain was on the menu permanent like, but for two days now we have had wonderful fall weather.
Some one must have given mail service a blood transfusion. I have received letters from you and Vanita in six days. Now if they just speed letters going the other way up a little - why who could ask for more.
We had a couple USO shows playing here at Augsburg this week, and I went to both of them. One was the Broadway hit play "Blithe Spirit" - It was a very good play about a mans first wife who came back as a spirit. No one but the man could see or hear her. So you can see the hot water he got into with his second wife.
The other was "Flying High". It was just a vaudeville and about like average. Gals, Gags, and songs.
I received your birthday card and here is a word of thanks to all. I just wish I was in a position to thank you personally.
Those old St. Louis Red birds are sure burning up the diamond on that home stretch. Here's luck to them I hope they win again this year.
You probably have lots of work to do this morning - so I'll say Bye-now - and leave you toil in peace with all my Love to help you out

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I Hate This Point System - Aug 24, 1945

Aug. 24, 1945

Hello Mom,

Boy oh boy! it rains more here than any one place I know of. I don't think there has been a day this month when I have written a letter that it hasn't rained. Of course it could be that I chose rainy days to write. After all the sun shine's so seldom that it must be taken advantage of at every opportunity.
I received the pictures of the "Sky Ranch". It looks like you must have been all over to get those views. If the lake fills all that valley it's going to be a nice swim across. I hope Dad got that big order he was trying for. That would be a nice feather in his cap, besides supplying a tidy sum of money for the home team.
That's a dirty trick, sending Milton back into training. I don't know who thought up that point system. I haven't seen very many fellows that think it's fair. Some like it, especially those with kids, but they don't think it's fair. Oh well maybe we will all get out now.
I have to run into town today and pick up my laundry. There is a German woman in town that washes and irons my clothes each week. When I pick up my laundry I give her some oranges for her kids and some smokes for her and her old man. She does a pretty good job and saves me from getting dishpan hands.
I've just about got room left to include a small portion of the Love I'd like to send

Monday, March 1, 2010

I'll Keep My Fingers Crossed - Aug. 19, 1945

Aug. 19, 1945

Dear Mother,

I hardly know what to write. I keep feeling like there is a joker in this surrender business some place. So until the Japs have been disarmed and Japan occupied, I shall continue to keep my fingers crossed.
I'm saving up all my celebrating until I get home and then - look out. As far as I'm concerned the real V-day will be when i set foot on American soil again.
Are Vanita and Al coming down for Vanita's birthday? Even though I'm not there in body I'll be there in spirit wishing you all a happy time.
Well it's raining again today so I guess I can't go swimming. Every day the sun shines and I can get off, down for the old swimming I head. I don't like swimming that well, it's just something to break the monotony.
How is Dad doing with his light bulbs? Salesmen will have to be careful now or people will mob them trying to buy things. A salesman's paradise.
Someone yelled that there is hot water, so I had better get moving before it's all gone. -
Bye - now, Love from me to all of you.