Friday, March 19, 2010

Guard Duty at Dachau - Sept 23, 1945

Sept. 23, 1945

Dear Mother & Dad,

It's been a few days sense my last letter, so now I'll tell you the whole sad story. Ten days ago I was transferred out of the Seventy-first Division. Supposedly to go home, but someone sent us to the wrong outfit. We got into an outfit peddling prison guards at the Dachau concentration camp. Instead of being on our way home we sit here and watch these SS troops. The officers claim we will be relieved just as soon as another outfit can be found to take our place. As yet none are available.
I expect to leave Dachau between the first and the fifteenth of next month. After that I'll be jumping around from place to place. So I'm going to ask you to stop writing until you hear from me again. Maybe by then I'll have some definite news.
I figure I've got good reason for being mad about this mix up on going home. Every day I talk to men going through here on their way home. They have sixty and seventy points. Here I sit pulling guard everyday. Of course I only have eighty-five points as of V-J days - so maybe I'm being unreasonable.
I guess that's enough crying for now -
Here's loads of Love

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